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by Antonin Artaud / Translation by Richard Sieburth
Adapted and Directed by John Jahnke
Ohio Theatre, New York City
Created in part through residencies at The Watermill Center and The MacDowell Colony
Artaud's infamous version of the Roman scandal of 1599 takes on a wicked life of its own in his lurid account of a wealthy family felled by incest, murder, and Papal oppression. This rarely staged Theatre of Cruelty work, in its first American translation, was created specifically for The Hotel Savant by Richard Sieburth of the French Institute/NYU. Specters of the past, the Cencis invoke our modern day obsession with private lives lived publicly and sensationally, knowingly pursued yet simultaneously trapped by the media attention they invite. Henry Hewes Design Nomination for 'Notable Effects'.
Photos © Dixie Sheridan.
©2020 Hotel Savant
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